My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio page! Here, you'll find a selection of projects and experiences that best represent my skills and accomplishments.

Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics and Economics, minor in Computer Science. Attended from [Year] to [Year]. Highlight activities and honors here.

Academic Papers/Capstones:

Year-long study abroad focusing on [specific subjects or courses]. Gained profound insights into [specific learning experiences], and participated in [activities/clubs].

Worked as an Analyst at Morningstar, utilizing advanced financial modeling and data analysis to enhance business operations and investment strategies.

Interned as a Venture Capital Intern at Ohio Innovation Fund, gaining experience in evaluating investment opportunities and supporting portfolio companies.

Founded and led a US-based nonprofit called Reinstalling Hope, launching internship and fellowship programs to support education initiatives in Nepal.

Currently working on running a business in Nepal, focusing on bridging the Himalayas' barriers to connect with China and leveraging expertise gained from professional experience.